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In today's busy world, time-poor consumers are looking for quick solutions to absolutely everything and that means your packaging has to stand out from the crowd and be your voice on shelf; attracting attention quickly and filling that void your new loyal customers are looking to fill.

If you are starting out in business and looking to build your product range and sales you will have had a Marketing or Sales Strategy mentioned or advised when you look to start a new business. By building a good Marketing Strategy you will gain clear insight into your target market and what they are looking for when they shop as well as what your competitors are doing to gain success in the same product category as you. Your strategy should include things like colours you will use to attract attention on shelf, what tone of voice you will use within your copy and what kind of imagery; all relating back to what your customers are looking for and what will attract them to purchase your product.

Your strategy should be mindful of touch-points across all channels you use to connect with your audience and these should include your website or sales platform, social media, digital and print advertising AND of course; your product packaging. Fully branded packaging that is cohesive with your social media, website and advertising can elevate your brand to the next level as product recognition builds.

One of the world's most successful brands is of course Coca-Cola in the food and beverage market. From the very beginning the company has held their branding in high regard, ensuring it is at the forefront of everything they do. The very successful company has always seen the value in product packaging and design.

"Packaging is our most visible and valuable asset," said Marcos de Quinto, Chief Marketing Officer, The Coca-Cola Company.

Through packaging designs and redesigns since the company began over 100 years ago they have consistently used the very iconic red and the round disk shape that is now infamous to the brand. It is this instant recognition that helps consumers make snap decisions on their purchases. Your small business may not be 100 years old, but looking at the achievements of such an accomplished company, there are very good reasons why you should consider your packaging design and consider the importance of branding from the very beginning…consumers want to quickly recognise your product and what it is to make a snap decision on purchasing and move on happily having found what they are looking for.

Is your packaging catching the eye of consumers?

Plain packaging pain points

Purchasing plain packaging and adding labels can be a solution small businesses and startups look for as an easy fix for their products when trying to get that reach and success on shelf, but it can come with its issues and end up looking less than ideal.

Plain packaging, labelling and the labour costs involved can add up to more than fully branded packaging in some cases and consume your valuable time. We often hear of businesses going down this track as a start up option to save money not having considered all their options. The amount of time wasted with the physical process of hand labelling can go unaccounted for, and we all know time is money!

When presenting to buying groups and trying to get your products on shelf in the larger retailers plain packaging with labelling often doesn’t give the best impression and can lead to buying groups thinking your business is not ready for the next step into larger volume manufacturing and supply.

Fully branded packaging benefits

Packaging that really represents your brand in all aspects is a great way to attract attention and take on the big guns when presenting to buying groups and retailers. Supermarkets and retailers are looking for products that will look good on their shelves and drive sales.

Digitally printed packaging can help give your smaller business the appearance of being a direct competitor in the market even as you start out. Your packaging can look just as impressive as larger companies packaging without the need for huge investment, so it pays to look at your options when it comes to fully branded packaging over plain packaging when planning your marketing strategy.

A flexible packaging solution that ‘WOW’s’!

In the past even the smaller businesses moving into the food and beverage markets needed to purchase minimums of 10,000+ and just one SKU. This was really limiting their potential to be competitive in the market and put forward multiple products as the opportunities presented themselves.

Our solution; digitally printed packaging and labelling with minimums as low as 2,000 qty and multiple SKUs that really allow businesses to test the market with multiple products with packaging that makes an impact!

"Cost-effective and quick to produce, our flexible packaging solutions can help the smaller businesses get their foot in the door with the larger retailers by producing packaging that is the same or similar quality as the big guns of the industry. We invest in the latest technology to ensure we are producing some of the best quality packaging and labels out there. We are passionate about helping smaller start-up’s and businesses put their best foot forward from the start" Ross Read - Read Labels and Packaging.

To find out what we have been helping other small businesses achieve with their fully branded packaging and labels, head to our blog HERE.

For more information on Coca-Cola packaging design and branding refer to sites quoted or researched in this blog