How to create successful custom packaging for your brand.
Getting your product noticed on the shelf takes careful planning and excellent packaging design. But how do you get your food packaging design to work for you, build sales and gain loyal repeat customers when the primary tool for selling your product; is the packaging? Great design is the answer.

Successful custom printed packaging is branded well, it is clear about what the product is and it is convenient for the end-user. Choosing the correct type of packaging for your product is the first step to getting your food packaging right from the start. But how do you decide on the correct type of flexible packaging?
Choosing the right product packaging type.
Researching what your competitors are using successfully for their packaging is one of the first steps to deciding on what type of packaging may work for your product. While using packaging that is different to your competitors can work for a point of difference, food product categories often use the same flexible packaging type as competitors for one reason - it has already been proven successful for that type of product. For example, coffee is often found in stand up flexible pouches with a one-way valve because it keeps the product fresh and looking great on the shelf, snack size or single serve products are generally found in sachets and 3SS.
When deciding on what flexible packaging to use for your product, there are some points of difference to consider:
● How will your end-user use the packaging?
(Do you need a resealable flexible pouch or an easy open and disposable food packaging option?)
● Would your product packaging be more successful with a transparent window?
● Would your product benefit from a one-way valve?
With many different product packaging types available, getting your choice right is the first step to successful food packaging design. Considering how your end-user will use the packaging, the size of the packaging and how you can design the packaging to attract attention are also key steps in getting your packaging right.
Good design can help increase sales.
Customers have a short time frame to be drawn to your product when shopping. Time-poor consumers are looking for quick solutions when shopping so your packaging design has to speak for itself, be easily identifiable and work for your brand to attract attention quickly.
Ensuring your food packaging is designed well from the start can help boost your product sales from product launch. As a brand owner, you may see your product packaging as an opportunity to get your brand noticed and product sold, but without clear messaging, attracting that sale may be near impossible.
We have spoken to many packaging designers over the years about what makes good food packaging design, and there are features most suggest work to attract attention on the shelf.
Some design features listed to help increase sales include:
● Consistent branding across each flavour or product;
● Brand logo in the same position on each flavour or product;
● Clear easy to find product name;
● Easily identifiable product features;
● Quality packaging;
Using design features and branding consistently across each flavour or product can help give your products the appearance of a more prominent brand rather than a stand-alone product. Taking the time to get your food product packaging type along with your branding right can get your product packaging looking at a premium standard that will help your product compete with the more prominent brands in your category.

We spoke to Sam from Proud As Punch Studio about good packaging design. Read more on the importance of good design HERE.
Custom packaging that won't break the bank.
When presenting your new product range to category buyers for larger retailers, they will be looking for quality flexible packaging. As a start-up, we know it can be hard to break into the larger supermarkets and retail chains without quality food packaging. Plain packaging and labels that many new businesses resort to as a lower-cost option at the start fall short of creating a good impression, but the truth is, smaller minimum digital print packaging can have your product ready to tackle the big guns without a huge investment.
Many business owners we talk to are just starting in business. They have regularly had quotes on custom printed food packaging before coming to us, and they have often been given advice that very large minimum orders are required. That kind of investment can scare many business owners at the initial set-up stage, so they are relieved when we discuss digitally printed packaging here at Read Labels and Packaging.
Our flexible packaging is manufactured in-house in smaller minimums than many overseas suppliers, meaning less of an investment financially and the opportunity to remain flexible with your packaging options as you grow your business.
Multi SKU printing within each print run allows businesses to order packaging for each SKU as needed, or test the market with new products without the risk of ordering large volumes of packaging.
For more information on choosing the right flexible packaging type for your product, visit the ‘shop my industry’ section of the website and reach out to arrange a sample pack and an honest discussion about your product packaging.